Endnote removes my edits from Bibliography


Endnote is removing edits and causing me to have to redo them often.

For example, I am using MLA style which currently doesn’t need URLs included. However, my supervisor wants them included. As I haven’t found a way to get Endnote to insert these, I have added them manually.

The problem occurs when I use ‘Update’ or ‘Configure’ from within the MS Word Plugin (under Tools). All the URLs added to Bibliography are removed, and I have to add them again.

Is there a way to either get Endnote to leave these edits alone OR insert the URLs automatically, overiding the inbuilt MLA style?



You’ll need to 1) modify the bibliography templates of your MLA output style to  include the URL field, and 2) enter the URL in the URL field of the EndNote record.  Without both actions the URL isn’t permanent and will be removed during updating.


Refer to the EndNote training video “Building a Simple EndNote Style” around the 27:53 mark:



Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.