This style is for “Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry” (Environ. Toxicol. Chem., or ET&C) currently published by Allen Press.
It mostly follows CBE except for numbering citations and references in order of appearance and a few other little quirks.
References: Cite by number in square brackets in order of mention in the text. Number references cited in tables last. Group full references at the end of the paper. Basic style is as follows:
Book: Author AB, Author CD. 2000.Title of Book. Publisher, City, ST, Country.
Book Article: Author AB, Author CD. 2000. Title of article. In Adams AB, Smith DC, eds, Title of Book, 2nd ed, Vol 1-Toxicology. Publisher, City, ST, Country, pp 1-5.
Journal Article: Author AB, Author CD. 2000. Title of article. Environ Toxicol Chem 16:2200-2204.
Proceedings: Author AB, Author CD. 2000. Title of article. Proceedings, Name of Conference, City, ST, Country, date (month, days, year), pp 00-00 (if no page numbers are available, cite parenthetically in the text).
Report: Author AB. 2000. Title of report. EPA 600/334/778. Final/Technical Report. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
Thesis: Author AB. 2000. Title of thesis. University, City, ST, Country.
Cite WWW sites parenthetically in the text. Number and list the literature cited as it appears in the text. Number references in tables last. Use capitalized zip-code abbreviations for states. For abbreviations of journal titles, use BIOSIS Serial Sources . Spell out in full the names of journals not listed there. Note the limited use of capitals in journal abbreviations in ET&C.
Personal communications should be mentioned parenthetically in the text (R.G. Smith, personal communication). Verify all personal communications with the source of the information and obtain approval for use of the author’s name.
Articles that have been accepted for publication may be cited as “in press” and placed in the reference list. Copies of all “in press” articles should accompany manuscript submissions. Manuscripts accepted for publication may properly be labeled as “in press”; papers still in review may not be cited in the reference list
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