I have a large document (a Ph.D. thesis) for which I am using Endnote X9. At the front end of the document (MS Word), I have a list of tables, list of figures etc. which have different captions to those appearing in the main doc (to save on space and superfluous content). When I update my citations and bibliography, Endnote is also updting these lists of figures and tables etc. and the formatting and text I have typed is overwritten, and reverts to the figure captions in the main doc. This is becoming problemattic as I cross-check my bibliography, as every time I need to update just one citation, the lists of tables and figures etc. at the front end of the doc are changing and I need to manually update them.
My question is; is there a way of updating the citations and bibliography without affecting the list of figures and tables etc.?
Are you using Endnote to insert figures and tables? I would not recommend trying that feature, as this was a feature that was not well thought out and never improved.
If not, then perhaps it is the way you are inserting captions, and Word not endnote is updating those table of figures or table of tables? Endnote might trigger an update of all fields (although I didn’t think so).
You should have the caption as just the “title” of the figure, with a paragraph break, and then the rest of the legend in a separate paragraph. The caption style should be set up to be followed by the legend style, which I ususally have set to single spaced in the thesis. this way the entire legend isn’t copied to the table of figures or tables. You can even “hide” the figure or table’s title’s paragraph symbol, so it looks like the legend is directly following the title.
Am I using Endnote to insert figures / tables? - No; I am using MS Word to do this and I suspect (as you suggest) that Endnote is triggering the updates.
Placing a paragraph break within the figure caption isn’t going to work I’m afraid. I mean, technically it would work but it will compromise the legibility of the figure captions. Surlely there is a way to have Endnote update the bibliography without triggering an update of Word’s captions etc.
The problem will recur when ever you add a new caption and want it in the table? Perhaps I am not understanding the problem or how you are using captioning and getting what you want in the table of figs? Can you illustrate? I have worked with many of my students, teaching them the wayward ways of MSWord.
Within the doc there are figures, tables and equations. For each new figure, table or equation I have given it a “caption” using the “insert caption” feature. Within the text, I have used the “cross reference” feature to refer to figures, tables or equations. Each caption is detailed, and explains / describes the figure, table or equation. Here is an example of one figure caption:
Figure 7.4: Treatment mean pre-dawn leaf water potential (Ψ) in MPa (a); mean maximum photosystem II photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) (b); and mean variable minimum fluorescence (Fv/Fo) (c) plotted against number of days since roots were severed. Asterisks in the inset matrix show significant differences between control and treatment (left hand side) on a particular day with the following significance codes; * p ≤ 0.05 **p ≤ 0.01 *** p ≤ 0.001. Dashed lines denote mean soil water volume (%) throughout the study. Error bars show ± one standard error
Obvioulsy I don’t want this to appear in my “list of figures” at the front end of the document, so after I’ve inserted the “list of figures”, I’ve manually changed the text to:
Figure 7.4: Treatment effects on physiology
I’ve also reformatted the “list of figures”. The problem is, to be clear, when I “update citations and bibliography” using the Endnote plugin, the “list of figures” reverts back to the full figure captions and original formatting. The formatting is an easy fix, and I can live with that changing each time. But, each list consitutues an entire page in my thesis, and retyping it every time I add in or update another citation is becoming tiresome.
And yes, I’ve learned from the tiresome nature of the process to leave this step to the very end. However, I’ve since noticed that the date of one of my citations was incorrect. An easy fix in the Endnote library, but a laborious task in Word given the problems I’m encountering. I don’t imagine I’m the first to experince this, so any help is greatly appreciated, and I hope others can benefit, too.
Within the doc there are figures, tables and equations. For each new figure, table or equation I have given it a “caption” using the “insert caption” feature. Within the text, I have used the “cross reference” feature to refer to figures, tables or equations. Each caption is detailed, and explains / describes the figure, table or equation. Here is an example of one figure caption:
Figure 7.4: Treatment mean pre-dawn leaf water potential (Ψ) in MPa (a); mean maximum photosystem II photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) (b); and mean variable minimum fluorescence (Fv/Fo) (c) plotted against number of days since roots were severed. Asterisks in the inset matrix show significant differences between control and treatment (left hand side) on a particular day with the following significance codes; * p ≤ 0.05 **p ≤ 0.01 *** p ≤ 0.001. Dashed lines denote mean soil water volume (%) throughout the study. Error bars show ± one standard error
Obvioulsy I don’t want this to appear in my “list of figures” at the front end of the document, so after I’ve inserted the “list of figures”, I’ve manually changed the text to:
Figure 7.4: Treatment effects on physiology
I’ve also reformatted the “list of figures”. The problem is, when I “update citations and bibliography” using the Endnote plugin, the “list of figures” reverts back to the full figure captions and original formatting. The formatting is an easy fix, and I can live with that changing each time. But, each list consitutues an entire page in my thesis, and retyping it every time I add in or update another citation is becoming tiresome.
I usually leave this step to the very end. However, I’ve since noticed that the date of one of my citations was incorrect. An easy fix in the Endnote library, but a laborious task in Word given the problems I’m encountering. I don’t imagine I’m the first to experince this, so any help is greatly appreciated, and I hope others can benefit, too.
Within the doc there are figures, tables and equations. For each new figure, table or equation I have given it a “caption” using the “insert caption” feature. Within the text, I have used the “cross reference” feature to refer to figures, tables or equations. Each caption is detailed, and explains / describes the figure, table or equation. Here is an example of one figure caption:
Figure 7.4: Treatment mean pre-dawn leaf water potential (Ψ) in MPa (a); mean maximum photosystem II photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) (b); and mean variable minimum fluorescence (Fv/Fo) (c) plotted against number of days since roots were severed. Asterisks in the inset matrix show significant differences between control and treatment (left hand side) on a particular day with the following significance codes; * p ≤ 0.05 ** p ≤ 0.01 *** p ≤ 0.001. Dashed lines denote mean soil water volume (%) throughout the study. Error bars show ± one standard error
Obviously I don’t want this to appear in my “list of figures” at the front end of the document, so after I’ve inserted the “list of figures”, I’ve manually changed the text to:
Figure 7.4: Treatment effects on physiology
I’ve also reformatted the “list of figures”. The problem is, to be clear, when I “update citations and bibliography” using the Endnote plugin, the “list of figures” reverts back to the full figure captions and original formatting. The formatting is an easy fix, and I can live with that changing each time. But, each list constitutes an entire page in my thesis, and retyping it every time I add in or update another citation is becoming tiresome.
I usually leave this step to the very end. However, I’ve since noticed that the date of one of my citations was incorrect. An easy fix in the Endnote library, but a laborious task in Word given the problems I’m encountering. I don’t imagine I’m the first to experience this, so any help is greatly appreciated, and I hope others can benefit, too.
I am not sure I can be of much assistance. – I think you want the automation of pagination, without the “caption” updates in the tables? – In which case I still think making your “captions” what you want to appear in the table of figs/table of tables as hidden text, and the real legend to be a different word style so it doesn’t affect the tables. I have a big project I am working on right now, so I can’t run any tests of this for you though.