EndNote X3 pdf problem

Since about EN v. 3, I have been referencing pdf’s on my hard drive using the URL field, for example:


I just moved up from v. 5 to X3.  Problem:  EndNote X3 invokes Photoshop Elements to read pdf’s, rather than Adobe Reader. 

If I double click on a pdf file from my desktop, or from a Windows Explorer window, it opens Reader just fine.  But EndNote X3 wants to use Photoshop Elements instead.  Any ideas how to fix this? 

System:  Windows XP, Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0, Adobe Reader 9, EndNote X3 


have you set Windows to open all pdf documents with Adbe Reader?


→ Open an Explorer Windows > Extras > Folder Options > File Types > …

 There is an “more options” button. There isnot just listed what to do when open a file, also “edit” a file. Something switched there maybe. 

I have a german system so I don´t know the exact names of the menues…

Hmm …s ome programs have an “override” function to prevent other software takes the asignment, then Windows uses different programs when opening a file directly or another program is openeing a file, but I could not find the override function it in “my” Acrobat now.
