Wow! Still, in the latest version of Endnote for Mac (Endnote X4), there is no way to exclude author and year in footnotes when doing Cite While You Write in Microsoft Word 2011. How is this possible?
We are now in the year 2011 and Thomson Reuters is still not able to include a simple and necessary feature such as exclude author and year in citation format in footnotes? I have gone from X2 to X3 to X4 and each time paying an upgrade price and still this feature (simple and necessary one!) remains to be seen. Should I fork over another $100 to go to X5 and continue to see the absence of this feature?
I’ve filed this very same feature request with Endnote support at least twice over the past few years (first with Endnote X1). Each time, I was told it would be passed on to the development team. It does seem very easy to implement.
While I see that X5 had been released, I won’t be spending the money to find out if they’ve finally fixed it. I’d certainly appreciat it if someone let me know.
I can confirm that this support is not available in X5. We appreciate your patience. Although it may seem easy to add, the effort isn’t insignificant. The footnote formatting works more like the bibliography output than Author Date in-text format which has this support. Applying it in the footnote context is bigger than it appears. I cannot provide a ETA for when we will be able to complete this but it is definitely on the list.
Thanks for the update. I will happily purchase an upgrade to the first Endnote version that offers this feature. I’m certain that many others who write using footnote styles would like to see it implemented, so hopefully the development team will take it on for X6.