EndNote X5 _ MS word 2003. Problem with Hotkeys


I’m using EndNote x5 with the word 2003 but I have small trouble: the endnote hotkeys dont work in the MS word. I’ve tried to repair EndNote via  install meny and re-assign default hotkeys but it didn’t work too :frowning:

Could you provide me with the possible solving of my problem ?


I’ve just checked the EndNote X5 Cite While You Write keyboard shortcuts within Word 2003 and was able to reproduce this behavior.  The default keyboard shortcuts do not respond within Word 2003, nor do any newly assigned shortcuts trigger the associated functionality.  I am going to test this on another machine and will make certain the issue has been recorded within our Development database.  A partial workaround would involve manually switching to EndNote, where several CWYW keyboard shortcuts do function properly.  To view these shortcuts, in EndNote, click “Tools>Cite While You Write”.  Alternatively, if you have access to another version of Microsoft Office, the EndNote X5 keyboard shortcuts seem to work properly within Word 2007 and Word 2010. 

Best Regards,

Jimmy M.
Customer Technical Support Representative Scientific
Thomson Reuters
Phone: +1 800 336 4474
ResearchSoft Product Support

I have the same problem: keybord shortcuts for my EndNote X5 do not work.

I use MS Word 2003 under Windows XP. Please help.
