EndNote X9 not working properly anymore


I use EndNote X9. Yesterday EndNote was working properly and fine. At the end of the day something changed and I was not able to insert the correct citations. I got, for example: {Morley, 2020 #147} Instead of (Morley, 2020) and linked to and mentioned in the reference list.

There does not seem to be a link to the reference list anymore. Does anyone knows how to change this?

Could it be that “Instant Formatting” is turned off?
In that case, you will be able to get the formatting back by using the “Update Citations and Bibliography” function.
You can also read more about instant formatting on Clarivate’s knowledge base:

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This is probably unhelpful because I’ve been having a plethora of problems with X9 the past few weeks and support keeps wanting to set up a remote session. How about you fix your software and stay out of my computer?

But, I had this problem and I was able to fix it by: checking my instant formatting, checking my output style and checking my reference type (some reference types aren’t supported by my output (APA 7)). 

Hopefully it’s working again for you though.Â