Hi, I am using a Mac and would like to run Endnote and Bookends to store and manage my bibliography. I already have lots of Entries in Endnote and I followed instructions on EndNote webpage to export as XML file and then import the file into Bookends. However many times I have tried it always says ‘Done, no references imported.’ Any suggestions?
I’m not sure which directions you’re referring to – I did find a knowledgebase article that gives directions on importing FROM Bookends TO EndNote which talkes about exporting as XML, but I didn’t see directions for going the other way. Could you point me to the directions you found?
I’m afraid I don’t have access to Bookends. What other import options do they provide? Do they have an RIS option for import?
Were these the intructions you followed?
Hi there, the sites which I looked at to help with export / import are below.
I don’t have so many refs in Bookends yet so dodn’t consider exporting in the other direction. And haven’t uploaded any new ones for the last 3 months, whilst I work out the best format for my needs.
Thx for your comments.
Transfer references from Reference Manager to Bookends
Hi Gillian
Text below is taken from the Bookends file management information. It appears that RIS is available, but the information specific to EndNote was XML file export. I haven’t used RIS before and will need to look at EndNote help section for some tips…
In Reference Manager:
• Select the references you want to transfer.
• Export the references in “RIS” format (make sure you are exporting the references as Text Only).
In Bookends:
• Make sure the “RIS” import filter is active (it should be checked in the Import Filters dialog box).
• Choose File -> Import References…
• Select RIS from the pop-up menu, then click on OK.
• Use the Get File dialog to select the file exported from Reference Manager, then click Open.
Note: You can also drag and drop the exported file onto a Bookends library window.
I would recommend trying the RIS method that Bookends themselves suggest.
As stated on the http://www.endnote.com/support/enconversion.asp page, the information provided there is very old. Bookends themselves would best know how to get the data out of their program. RIS is a standard export format and usually works pretty well.
Did you try it? What happened?
What version of EndNote and what version of Bookends are you using? The newer versions of Bookends (11.2 is the latest) can handle EndNote XML very well, both for importing and exporting. Bookends has two EndNote XML exports, one for EndNote 7 and one for EndNote 8 or later.