Exporting to Endnote X2 using GoPubmed

Has anyone imported references from GoPubMed (www.gopubmed.com) into Endnote X2?  I placed the references on GoPubMed’s clipboard, then scrolled to the bottom of the page and selected export to Endnote.  Immediately another webpage opens up with a list of the references in Medline format.  It looks like a text file, but I cannot find a “Send to” option.  I have tried clicking using the web browser to save the page as a text file by clicking on File, then clicking on Save As, then naming the file and choosing text.  When I try to import the text file in Endnote X2, nothing happens.  Is there a step I’m missing or something that I am doing wrong?  I just don’t get it.

Save the displayed records as a text file.

In EndNote, use the normal import procedure. The filter that you need is called “EndNote Import.”

Worked like a charm!  Thank you.  Much more helpful than the answer I got from the GoPubMed people.  They just told me to save it as a text file and proceed as normal.  Didn’t even answer my question about the filter.  Kinda of a crucial part of the importing references procedure.