File Attachment in X3


I recently purchased End Note X3. I am using a library which was generated using X2.

I am trying to attach the articles to each reference but it says the article is not found even though i could get it using my regular browser.

Anybody have any suggestions?


What is the relationship between the location of the endnote-library (.enl) file and the endnote-library.DATA folder that you presumably browsed to find the article? 


Thanks for the reply.

I am not attching articles from a folder from my computer ,i am sorry if my message was not clear.

I am using the find full text option.


There is detailed information on the “Find Full Text” feature of EndNote X3 in the EndNote PDF manual installed with your software. In particular the topic “Finding Full Text for a Reference” starting on page 200.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team

I find editing the preferences to include pubmed (last preference) helps the retrieval success. 

Message Edited by Leanne on 07-24-2009 11:25 AM

Thanks Leanne,

I followed your suggestion and its working now.
