X3 not finding all references

I’ve been trying to add articles to my reference list by searching for them online, through Web of Science.

Some articles it finds without a problem, however some it will not find at all, or will only find with very global search criteria. I know for a fact that these references are available on Web of Science as I found them there in the first place.

Does anybody have any ideas?

Example is Author: Boeuf, Year: 2001, Title: salinity

If I put those three search terms in WoS it finds only one article, the correct one, however in Endnote it finds nothing.

I have recently updated to X3 and had the same problen in X2. Though only recently, not a few months ago. In X2 I had one article that I could find without using a Title word, but if I put the title word it would not find anything. Eg. Bachman, 2008, florida. It only found it (amongst another 15 or so) without Florida.

Is this an Endnote problem or a Web of Science problem? Either way, slightly annoying and time wasting.

Any help is appreciated!

Small second problem. I was importing styles yesterday and it wouldn’t import them straight into endnote for some reason. It downloaded them to a temporary folder and I then had to transfer them to the correct styles folder. Why? When I imported styles in X2 they went straight to the correct folder.

Hi again,

I don’t mean to be a pain, but I am honestly really confused by these two errors, and would appreciate it if someone could help me, give me a little bit of advice or reassurance that I’m not doing something wrong.


I don’t use WoS so I can’t be of much help there (I use PubMed and Scopus). 


How are you downloading/importing the output styles?  In X3, if you open the style, and save as, it will save it to the folder specified in your preferences, which should NOT be the folder in the Programs Folder (at least on Windows Vista and later).  By default it is usually in My Documents/Endnote/Styles.  Endnote knows to pull styles from both the original folder and this “user accessible” location.  This is because starting with Vista, those folders are locked to write access by the operating system. 


@vsmith wrote:
Small second problem. I was importing styles yesterday and it wouldn’t import them straight into endnote for some reason. It downloaded them to a temporary folder and I then had to transfer them to the correct styles folder. Why? When I imported styles in X2 they went straight to the correct folder.

Are you having this problem with other articles? Or just this:

Boeuf, G., Payan, P., 2001. How should salinity influence fish growth? Comp Biochem Phys C 130, 411-423.

If there is a general pattern you are seeing, it would be helpful to have more examples so we can try to determine if there is a larger issue that we can try to improve.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team


I have had it with several references, including Bachman & Rand that I also mentioned in my previous post.

When I initially had the problem I also picked a random book from my University Library Catalogue and attempted to search for it via Endnote. Again, the reference was not found. I picked a second book and I managed to find this one, however had to define very large search terms (author only if I remember correctly - it could not pick out the book title). I don’t remember what specific examples they were, but I assumed it was an Endnote problem as I had the same problem with two different catalogues.


When getting styles I download it using firefox and click on open file. It will open Endnote if this is closed but not import the actual style into Endnote. I’m on XP and I didn’t have this problem when using X2. I used to click on Open, and it would import it directly into the Endnote Style folder, the same as you mentioned in your post. It is just confusing that it has suddenly stopped working once I changed to X3.

Both of you, thank you for your replies!

@vsmith wrote:


When getting styles I download it using firefox and click on open file. It will open Endnote if this is closed but not import the actual style into Endnote. I’m on XP and I didn’t have this problem when using X2. I used to click on Open, and it would import it directly into the Endnote Style folder, the same as you mentioned in your post. It is just confusing that it has suddenly stopped working once I changed to X3.


I don’t see a difference - Firefox 3.5.8 (I have trouble with 3.6 with some other programs, so I haven’t updated most machines to that).  it asked if it should open it in Endnote X3.0.1.  I said Yes (open) not save (which Firefox saves to the location it saves all other files to , in my case is set (Firefox>Option>Main tab, downloads option) to My Documents/Downloads, which is obviously not the Endnote location.  changing that would mean everything you downloaded would go to the endnote styles folder which wouldn’t be good. 


From Endnote, I need to “save as” to the right place (default in Endnote preferences).  I have always used “save as” in X2 and X3; it would never automatically save it to the endnote output styles location.  This also gives you the oportunity to give it a more meaningful name than apending “copy” to the downloaded file.  I get confused as to which output style is which if the original has the same name in the program folder location, as the newly downloaded one in the user (my documents style) folder, so I aways apend the date the new one was downloaded during the “Save As” process. 

Yes, there does seem to be a problem with the Web of Science connection file.

If I search for:

Author: Contains: boeuf, g

AND Title: Contains: salinity

I retrieve four articles, including:

Boeuf, G.; Payan, P., How should salinity influence fish growth? Comp Biochem Phys C 2001, 130 (4), 411-423.

However, if I search for:

Author: Contains: boeuf, g

AND Year: Contains: 2001

I retrieve four articles which match those search criteria, but not the one retrieved by the previous search.

As to your query about using EndNote connection files to search library catalogues, this can be quite a complex problem. There are a variety of systems used by libraries for their catalogues, and not all of them support the same Z39.50 search attributes, and they may interpret those attributes in different ways.

So it can be quite difficult to write a connection file that works well. Sometimes by editing the Search Attributes in the connection file you can get better results. But sometimes the problems lie with the system used by the library. Our library uses the Innopac software, and it is not currently handling keyword searches of its Z39.50 server very well.

Thank you John.

Glad to know I’m not the only one with the problem. However, I could never find that article, no matter what search terms I put!

As to my university library, I rarely use it, so don’t know if it usually works fine. I just used it as an independent test when Endnote wasn’t finding my WoS entries. Although I tried two different books, one worked, one didn’t. Who knows?!


Odd that it works for you. I’ll try again soon, maybe it firefox and endnote were being temperamental that day… It was home time, I think my computer wanted to be switched off and was doing everything it could to make me leave early! Thanks for trying to help.