Running X8.0.0.12000 on Sierra 10.12.6 with Word Mac 2011 …
EndNote preferences show styles file location to be ~/Documents/EndNote/Styles … but my custom styles seem to be missing …
Then on opening the styles list dialog from WORD it shows at the bottom the path is /Applications/EndNote X8/Styles
Ok, so in Preferences I selected the file path manually ~Users/xxxx/Documents/EndNote/Styles … but this made no difference.
The only way I can get to see and use my custom styles is to manually copy them to /Applications/EndNote X8/Styles
Another EndNote bug or am I doing something wrong here?
Dear pecksterism101,
Again, did you copy the X8 app and run it outside of the EndNote X8 folder under applications? What you’re experiencing would be a symptom of that.
No I didn’t move EndNote at all.
However, I did try deleting the EndNote (only that file) and then reinstalling the package.
Then, after changing file locations from defaults to /Users/xxxx/Documents/EndNote/Styles, the app is now seeing the files in those locations.
Now, in Word, the Select style dialog still shows the path to be in the Applications folder, BUT it is showing the files in /Users/xxxx/Documents/EndNote/Style as well as those in /Application/EndNote X8/Styles … which I think is correct (if confusing) behaviour.
In an EndNote library, the Select style dialog also shows the files in /Users/xxxx/Documents/EndNote/Style as well as those in /Application/EndNote X8/Styles, but it doesn’t show the file path.
So it now appears to be working correctly.