Finding references that are in two different groups

I have a group called Mortality with about 100 references and another group called PTSD with about 200 references. There are many references that are contained in both groups. How do I search for references that are in both groups?

  1. Groups > Create From Groups
  2. Give the combination group a name in the Create From Groups box.
  3. Select the existing custom or smart groups to combine (maximum of 10) and specify the Boolean operator e.g. And (those in both groups), Or (combine the two groups), Not (those unique in group 1). …
  4. Find the new combination group on the left under My Groups.
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Hello. I see leanne has mentioned using Create From Groups in several of these messages. I am trying to use this option with AND to show which references are in two different Custom Groups. I get zero results when I use AND – I know that there are duplicate requests in the two Custom Groups.

I asked at Clarivate Chat Help for clarification on why this does not work. Tech said this was not an option to find duplicates between Groups. Provided with the following URL: Endnote . When I viewed the video, they used a Custom Group and Smart Group with NOT.

Has anyone successfully used AND to Create From Groups to find duplicates between two different Custom Groups?

Thank you.

It sounds like part of the issue may be that the groups have duplicate records in them, rather than the same record. If the two different records do not have the same Record Number, then what you have is 1 record in one group, and another different version of the record in another.
It may be that you’ll need to deal with duplicates in your collection before you’ll be able to use Create From Groups successfully.

I do hope this helps!

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Thank you Steveh for the answer. Your explanation helps me understand the issue. I thought when using the Combination Group option with AND, it would compare the citation information without using the reference number.

I need to show the citations for a specific search and created a Custom Group for each search. Next, I need to show which citations are in two or more groups. It sounds like this option is not available as the reference numbers will be different in each Custom Group. Is there another way besides using the Combination Group option to show the same citation in more than one Custom Group?