First author in bold


I have had two user support cases where I’ve been asked to adjust a journal style to make the first author (only) in bold (journals wanting first author only in bold). So far, I have solved this by doing the bolding manually on a copy whithout EN field codes just before submitting the manuscript. Unless there is a way to program this into a style that I do not know about, I would like to suggest that you add a “bold first author only” option in future versions of EndNote.


Best wishes

Jan Ove

Another publisher that must stay up late at night wondering how they can design a bibliography requirement that completely flumoxes the automated software providers!  Who is it this time?!  I bet they have in-house software that will generate this output, automatically! 

Now for my CV, I would love it, if Endnote would Bold MY NAME automatically, but I can at least achieve that by a Search and replace (with format).  :smileyvery-happy:

As my daughter would say: LOL  :smileyvery-happy:

Best wishes

Jan Ove