Using EndNote X9, searched from Web of Science, found many references.
For some of them, ‘Pages’ field is empty, also ‘Start Page’ and ‘Article Number’ fields are empty.
But after ‘Find Reference Updates…’, even though the above mentioned fields are still empty, the DOI field is updated with Article Number. So there are two lines in DOI field, the Article Number and the DOI.
Now if I export references in Word, there will be no page numbers. I hope, if page number is not there, then, the I can put the article number.
Is there any existing function in EndNote to do this?
If not, can I modify the output style to achieve this?
Now, if I modify the output style and put the DOI field in, then there will be two lines, because the DOI field has two lines.
I know I can copy the article number manually from DOI field to, say, Article Number field.
But I would prefer an automatic method, since I have hundreds of references to deal with.