A reference file that I imported from PubMed contained some incorrect information (the editor’s name was listed in the Journal field along with the Journal name). I manually corrected this, but the editor’s name still shows in the formatted reference at the end of the Word document when I updated the citations.
To fix this I have tried deleting and reinserting the citation in the Word document; I have deleted the reference entry in EndNote and manuall reentered all the information. The editor’s name no longer shows in the Journal field, but when I check the Preview tab it is there. When I import the newly entered reference into my Word document it is still there.
Where is EndNote getting this information and how can I make it stop? Is it checking the web for the information and secretly adding it?
It is likely that you have the terms preferences set to update the Journal Terms list with the Journal fields. Look at these instructions which includes a youtube video - and also set your preferences not to update those terms lists (see attached). this should
fix your terms list and
ensure the proper full journal or abbreviation is consistently used in your bibliography
Thank you, this did work to fix that issue. In the process, I noticed that all of the journals listed under “Full Journal” are actually the abbreviated journal names and all the titles listed under “Abbreviation 1” are the full journal names.
Is there any way to make a global correction for this?
Not if you delete and replace them with the journal terms lists available?
But you can export the terms list, manipulate it in excel carefully reversing those two columns and then reimport it, if you want to retain your journal lists. I don’t know why the Pubmed connect file imports them incorrectly into the Journal and Alt Journal fields which is where the terms are updated into column one and two, when the those options are set in preferences. You (or Endnote) might be able to edit the connection file to import them in the opposite way. I much prefer to upload a pre-existing terms list per the KB article rather than keeping the one auto generated.
These instructions are copied from CrazyGecko’s reply in a long thread elsewhere:
EDIT THE JOURNAL TERMS LIST (Make backups of both your EndNote library and term list files before proceeding)
You can maintain one list by exporting the journal terms list file and using MS Excel to “switch” the Journal and Alternative Journal columns. [Go to the toolbar, select Tools > Open Tools List > Journal Terms List; click the “ Lists” tab then the “Export List” button.]
Launch MS Excel and open the journal terms file. In the Text Import Wizard, use the default settings and click the “Finish” button.
3.The exported journal terms list file displays the Alternative Journal column in the first position (Column A), and the Journal column in the second column (Column B). Just “drag” (or copy and paste” to reverse the columns.
Save the file as a tabbed delimited text file then import the file into the term list (make sure you delete the existing list before importing).