I am using endnote 5x trial and word 2011 for mac. I have multiple citations for one sentence in the form: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and I want them to remain as separate numbers. How can I make it 2-9?
Thanks in advance.
I am using endnote 5x trial and word 2011 for mac. I have multiple citations for one sentence in the form: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and I want them to remain as separate numbers. How can I make it 2-9?
Thanks in advance.
There’s an option in the “Citations” section of the output style for having number ranges for consecutive citations. [Go to the EndNote toolbar, select EDIT, OUTPUT STYLES, EDIT name of the style you’re using. In the output style’s dialog box, locate “Citations” then click “Numbering”.]
To read more on using the various numbering options go to the toolbar click HELP and search for “Citations” then select “Numbering”.