I’ve spent the last five hours trying to figure this out with no luck.
I’m writing a book with over 1,000 references. When I cite a reference in my text, I’ve been adding an endnote in Microsoft Word via the References tab and Insert Endnote selection.
Microsoft Word assigns the endnote a sequential number. and inserts the number into the text of my book. I format the citation number Microsoft Word inserts into the text of my book as superscript. That is exactly what I want.
When I create the endnote via Word, a new entry with the corresponding endnote number is created in the endnotes section of my book. When I create the endnote, Word takes me right to the now blank endnote entry in the endnotes section. I then insert the citation from EndNote X9 into the endnotes section of my book. Now the endnote in the text is linked to the endnote citation in the endnotes section.
The problem, however, is that in several locations throughout the book, I have multiple citations - often three or more citations for the same sentence. In the case of multiple in-text endnotes, I have been inserting a superscript comma (",") between the endnote citation numbers in the text. That works fine for two endnotes in one place. But when there are three or more endnote citation numbers in the same place, I end up with something like “10,11,12,13,14”. That gets cluttery. I’d prefer to have “10-14”. That’s much cleaner.
But, for the life of me, I can’t get EndNote to do this. It seems like EndNote X9 should automatically do this via the “Use ranges for consecutive citations” funtion. But it doesn’t.
I’ve gone into the style editor in EndNote and attempted to fix the problem by making sure “Use ranges for consecutive citations” is checked.
I found something in the EndNote community forum that suggested the problem might be with “CitedPages” in the Citations Template within EndNote X9. I don’t have CitedPages in my template (I’m currently using Chicago 17th, but I’ve tried four other styles - all with no luck). I’ve read through the EndNote 9 Windows manual. Nothing there seems to point me in the right direction.
All I want is to have my endnote citations in-document to be sequentially numbered. When there are three or more endnotes in one place in my document, I want them to display as a range. That’s it. It doesn’t seem like it should be this hard. But it is. There’s probably something completely easy and obvious that I’m missing. I’m using the latest version of Word available through Office365.
Please help!
Thanks in advance!