I am new to EndNote, having acquired it recently through my university. Eager to use it for my work, having spent some time exploring the application I am stuck at a point where I am unsure as for how to achieve the result I am seeking for.
I want to refer to the same items, for example a book, multiple times. For each reference I want to specify pages, excerpts and similiar. Further, I need all the references to have unique numbers (when using a numbered style) despite being to the same item. My question is, can this be done without needing to make a new reference entry in my EndNote library for each reference, or is that the only possible method to achieve this?
It would be, I think, very practical to be possible to have a library of items, adding pages and excerpts on the fly for each reference as they are used. Especially since I also use independent bibliographies to list used items. Or maybe have separate libraries for items and references based on these… maybe I should use groups for this? Anyhow, information about alternatives would be appreciated.
Thanks beforehand for any answer.