Help: I bought the program, but now can't use my demo library!!!


I just upgraded to the full version of endnotes X3 on my mac. I saved the demo library file, but after i installed, i am unable to open the old library! help!

Did you move it?  There are associated folders (which may be “recreated” when you try to open an .enl file in a locaton where they don’t exist, but will not contain the needed files).  put the .enl file where the .DATA folder is and open it from there.  Alternatively create a text file that is empty with the name of the library in the location where the .DATA folder is, and open it.  It will recreate your library file. To move or back up a library it is best to File>compress a library - and save the .enlx file created. 

That did it !! thank you so very much