Help removing 'libraries used' when formatting bibliography

I am having trouble with formatting a bibliography because another user has inserted references from a different library with similar references, and now EndNote won’t let me format the bibliography just using my own library. I have gone through the document and tried to ensure that all citations have been inserted from my library only, but the ‘format bibliography’ dialogue still shows two ‘libraries used’. Is there any way to remove the second library or otherwise solve this problem??

Many thanks!

Unformat the references, save the document.  Just to be sure close both word and endnote and now reopen them with the single library and reformat.  This will ensure the complete removal of the travelling library and any reference to a second library.

Thanks for the advice. I double-checked the unformatted references but I found that even when all of them only belonged to my original library, the document would still ‘remember’ both libraries. In the end, I copied the whole document (with unformatted references) and pasted it into a new Word file, then formatted the bibliography. This seemed to work, and only the one EndNote library appeared in ‘libraries used’.

but why does it matter?

It mattered because the second library was created by another user (working on a much later version of the same Word document) and in the second library there were different record numbers for the same references contained in the first library (and different records for the same record numbers). This meant that EndNote started formatting incorrect citations at many places in the text. I had to go through and check that all the citations were correct by hand.

That shouldn’t happen.  The record must match Author, Year and Record Number (unless your endnote citation is only quoting the record number?).

I’m having the same problem. I had to manually delete every reference, build a new EN library, and insert temporary citations all over again. Now when I go to format the citations, EN says it’s using not the new library, which is open and running and from which I inserted all my new citations, but the old library, which isn’t open. My reference numbers all reference the new library, not the old. And I can’t figure out how to get around it. (Using the old library just repeats all the mistakes.)

I suspect that the manuscript still has a travelling library associated with it,  with the old information.  So I repeat the suggestion I gave earlier in the thread.


Make a copy of the manuscript.  Unformat the references in the manuscript copy. (DO NOT REMOVE FIELD CODES)  Delete any residual bibliography. Just to be absolutely sure there are no field codes left, Do the unlink fields steps (I use select all and ctrl+F9). Close Endnote and Word.  Reopen the document and try to reformat with the new library open.  (It should not work with out any library open).

does it solve the problem?  (What was the problem in the first place that you had to remove and replace all the endnote references?!)

Message Edited by Leanne on 04-20-2009 02:31 PM


I’m having the same problem.

When I come to format the bibliography, the ‘select libraries used’ tab is blank and the Word doc pulls the refs from old libraries and the traveling library rather than the current library which is open.

The reason this is a problem is that when you update references in your current library, e.g. journal abbreviations, conference abstract numbers, etc to improve the look of your reference list in the bibliography of the document, this is not translated in your Bibliography because the Word doc is retrieving Sanchez 2006 from the traveling library #12 not Sanchez 2006 from current library #405

I feel very nervous about unformating references and deleting - but will give it a go!

Try it on a copy.  What version of Endnote are you using because X4 (I think) and X5 are more clever about updated refs that used to become “disconnected”. 

BTW, Journal abbreviations shouldn’t have to be changed in your library.  You should use Journal Terms lists to automatically change the Journal name in an output bibliiography.  The key fields that used to break the link between a document and the manuscript were the three that are in the temporary citation.  The Author Name, the year and the record number.  Anything thing else should auto link between the two, in the older versions of Endnote. 

Not sure how it works behind the scenes, but X5 seems to keep track even if you change of those critical fields. 

Thanks Leanne - it works!

Any idea why a couple of the refs in the bibliography come out like this?

1.Burr M, Dunstan F, Ashfield-Watt P, Fehily A, Breay P, Ashton T, Zotos P, Haboubi N, Elwood P. Lack of benefit of dietary advice to men with angina: Results of a controlled trial. Eur J Clin Nutr

 2003; 57

: 193-200


rather than the correct version like this

1.Carter VM, Woolley I, Jolley D, Nyulasi I, Mijch A, Dart A. A randomised controlled trial of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation for the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia in hiv-infected males on highly active antiretroviral therapy. Sexual Health 2006; 3 : 287-90.

PS I have X4 EN

I suspect that that record inadvertently has a carriage return after the volume number?