Help w/ citations with multiple page numbers being truncated

I am using Chicago style endnotes (with X3 and MS Word), and often I have a citation from one source but with multiple pages  - for example I want something like Chudacoff 112, 146. When I enter the page numbers the resulting endnote looks like this Chudacoff 112, 46. EndNote abbreviates the second page number resulting in a misleading citation because it looks like I am referencing page 46 and not page 146. I have looked around preferences and all over the Help menu but can’t figure out how to fix this. I tried changing the output style template for Chicago by clicking on “Show the full range of pages”  in the page numbers tab, but no change occurred even after deleting and reinserting the citations. Really appreciate any help!

Can you attach your style please? 

I have a similar problem. A lot of the journals I deal with want the page numbers abbreviated. This is fine when the page numbers are continuous, but when they’re not, it becomes a problem. For example, a lot of the references I work with have page numbers like, “143-149, discussion 152-153”, but when EndNote abbreviates them, it comes out looking like “143-9, discussion 2-3”. Is there any solution to this problem?

You might need to edit the Bibliographic Style to change this formatting. You can do this using the “Page Numbers” setting in the Output Style Editor tool - see the attached screen shot.

In my quick test using EndNote X4, this did the trick.

I am not sure why this is not the default for the Chicago Style for EndNote but Chicago is a very complex formatting style with many, many variations so likely the “abbreviate the last page number” behavior is preferred in many cases.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team


I guess that will work, although I’d have to change by hand any page numbers that aren’t already abbreviated in the EndNote record. Fortunately, most of my references come from PubMed, whose default is to abbreviate the page numbers, so I wouldn’t have to make too many such changes.

Are these page notations occuring in the citation or in the reference list. If in the citation, I would just use the suffix rather than the pages box to reference these.  If in the reference section, perhaps, until the developers can solve it more permanently, you could use a custom field to record these variations, leaving the page number field empty.  They edit the style to use both fields with appropriate link adjacent and separation characters, so one or the other would show.  The custom field could be entered exactly as you wanted it to appear, and the page setting wouldn’t affect it. 

Sorry, Leanne, I should have made it clear that I’m talking about page numbers listed in the reference section. (I work entirely with medical journals, in which page numbers are never listed any other way, so I forget that there are other types of journals that include them in the in-text citations.)

Your solution sounds effective but labor-intensive; I would have to alter every output style I use to include the custom field after the page numbers, then move all of the extra pagination info into that field in every record that has it.

Nonetheless, thanks for taking the time to respond.