Hi there, I am customising my Output Style to match my publisher’s house style and having trouble with Book Sections.
The House style looks like this:
Shepherd, ‘Bakhtin and the reader’, in K. Hirschkop and D. Shepherd (eds), Bakhtin and Cultural Theory Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2nd edn, 2001).
How do I customise to reflect this? I am currently using Chicago 17 Notes/Bibliography.
My current footnote template is looking like this:
Author, ‘Title’, in Book Title|, ed. Editor|, Series Title| trans. Translator|. (|Place Published: Publisher, Year|; reprint, Reprint Edition|)|, Pages|.
I also need to account for plural editors with the ^
Many thanks ! I am getting myself tied up in knots :-)
I don’t see an out of the box output style called Chicago 17 Notes/Bibliography assume you mean footnotes with Bibliography and you will need a template for each of those, the bibliography with the pages and the footnote with the cited page?
No initials for the author? Author settings need to be the same for authors in Endnote, so I don’t think you will be able to achieve that, if that is correct. You have an unmatched paretheses at the end? there is no punctuation between title and place published? and no pages or cited pages are shown in your example? Something like
Author|, Title’|, in Editor (ed.^eds.), Book Title|, Place Published|: Publisher| Reprint Edition|, Year|.
I believe that the “spaces” in this may retain the link adjacent symbols, if you copy it back to endnote or to a word document they are non-breaking spaces. This is new!
Thank you - it is looking better than the muddle I had made.
The only outstanding issue is it is still printing (ed.^eds.) (see below).
Michel Foucault, ‘Theatrum Philosophicum’, in Donald F. Bouchard (ed.^eds.), Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews, (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1977), 172.
Author|, ‘Title’|, in Editor (ed.^eds.), Book Title|, (Place Published|: Publisher| Reprint Edition|, Year)|, Cited Pages.