please help me with this issue I tried many ways to cite references to my document in word 2011 using the newest version of EndNote but still I can’t cite any reference and I couldn’t find any resources in the internet to help me with this
heeeeeeeeeeelp me please I’m writing my dissertation now
You’ll need to explain further as to why you’re unable to cite references as it’s unclear what problem you’re experiencing. If you are unfamiliar with how to use EndNote to create libraries containing references, and using those references to create in-text citations, you can view training videos on EndNote’s Training Channel: There are a large collection of instructional videos on how to get started using EndNote.
I too am having problems using Endnote with Word 2011 for Mac. When using Word 2011 for Mac, I cannot find the write and cite button. Endnote is not in tools, like it is for Word 2004. Anyone have suggestions?
I do not think you misunderstood, and have had still the same issue. I have installed EndNote X4, and could not set up CWYW preference from either EndNote or Word 2011. I have used this previous version in PC, and had no problem. I have opened up Word and Endnote and tried to set up CWYW from EndNotes X4. But it did not work. Even I could not select submenu bar from EndNote’s tool menu because the submenu is dimished. What is going on??? I have attached its screen shot (pdf or png) below
From EndNote’s Tools menu, go to the Cite While You Write submenu and select CWYW Preferences.
From Word’s Tools menu, go to the EndNote submenu and select CWYW Preferences.