How do I set EndNote program layout options as default?

I am getting familiar with different layout options, in the bottom right corner of EndNote. I enjoy using Groups Panel: Left, and Reference Panel: Right.

But things get hairy when I restart EndNote or return to the main view after viewing a .pdf, etc. When I return (or reopen the program), the layout minimizes the left-hand group panel to only about an inch width, and minimizes the right panel (reference, preview, .pdf) almost entirely. This forces me to widen these windows each time. 

Is this a glitch? Am I missing something? Is there a way to set certain layout options as default so that when I reopen EndNote I can keep the same layout?



Have you updated to X6.0.1?  (not that it will necessarily fix anything, just a good thing to do!)

Have you tried closing first the library and then endnote?  - openning a pdf in what program?  viewing in endnote or in an external program? 

windows or mac. 

I just tried a few things on my windows7/Endnote X6.0.1 and while it doesn’t remember which tab, it does reopen the correct size and layout. 


Thanks for the quick reply. I’m not sure if I am updated to X6.0.1 but I will try downloading asap. I just installed X6 on this machine a few days ago (at work, via our IT folks).

I tried closing my library, but not EndNote, and then reopening the library and upon reopening it resizes the layout portions.

To clarify, I mean’t viewing .pdfs within EndNote. Windows.


If you can, you can update from the help menu “endnote program updates” – but if it is a “site license” you might need the IT guys to do something about it. 

I don’t have any resizing issues when I view the pdf in endnote either. 

updating fixed it! whew.

thanks for the help.