How do I stop references being automatically imported to Endnote Web instead of the Endnote programme?

Until recently, when I used ScienceDirect, Scholargoogle or any other academic search engine - when i clicked Import Reference, it would open in my standard engnote Library file. Now, instead I get a pop-up asing me to sign up for Endnote Web. I’ve used Endnote web but I really prefer the desktop application. How do I get websites to allow me to import into Endnote again?

I have just noticed this problem only seems to happen in Mozilla Firefox, not in Internet Explorer

This is an option for the toolbar plug-in. All you need to do is go into the Add-ins of Firefox and look in the options for the EndNote Web extension. There is one there that asks if you want to automatically redirect filetypes to EndNote Web. Make sure it’s unchecked.