In accordance with a journal style, I need to separate my bibliography into one list for web pages and one list for everything else, with the web pages starting at the number 200. Does anyone know how to do this in EndNote? Your help would be very much appreciated.
EndNote was not designed to generate two separate reference lists, but you should be able to work around this. Here is what you can do if you are working with Microsoft Word:
- Insert all of the citations into the document that are not Web Pages.
- Make a backup of your document using the Save As command in Word.
- Use the “Convert Citations and Bibliography > Convert to Plain Text” or “Remove Field Codes” command depending on your version of EndNote. This will remove the link between this copy of the document and EndNote as if you had entered the citations manually. This should be done as a last step when you are done entering all the non-Web Page references into your document.
- Insert the Web Page citations into this new plain text document.
- In EndNote, click the Tools > Cite While You Write > Format Bibliography command.
- Click the Layout tab.
- For “Start with bibliography number” enter 200.
- Click OK.
When this is done, a new reference list of just your Web Page references will be generated at the end of this document starting with the number 200.
Jason Berman
Technical Sup Rep RS
Thomson Reuters
Phone: +1 800-336-4474
While Jason is technically correct, it isn’t possible out of the box, several threads talk about ways to automate the process by utilizing a custom field and adjusting the style to sort on that field before sorting by the usual criteria. (See this one for example)
Then you just need to add headers before submitting the paper (using the convert to plain text procedure he described ON A COPY!).
There is another technique if you can work with CWYW off and change the curly to square brackets for your web articles, as you work. Then format once with the curly brackets, convert to plain text (ON A COPY) and then format bibliography changing the temporary citations from curly to square and format again. But if it is a numbered format though, there is no way to do this (or Jason’) technique and maintain the proper numbering order.