Problem citing websites in EndNote 10.0.2

Hi all,

Since two weeks, I’m unable to refer two websites in my endnote Library. Putting the websites in my library isn’t a problem, but when I want to generate my bibliography in my word document, the second link I want to refer to disappears and the number in the text which refers to that specific webpage, refers to the first page. So, instead of two different numbers, I get two times the same number with the same webpage.

The EndNote version I use is 10.0.2./ Microsoft word is from 2003


Endnote looks at the author title and year to itentify duplicates.  Do your two website entries share these fields?  If so, the program is not distingushing them, and resolving them to one listed reference.  You might try turning off duplicate resolution  in Endnote’s Edit>preferences>formatting and unticking the remove duplicates box.