How to edit and manage citations during insert stage

Is there a way to edit and manage the citations at the same time as inserting them? It would make the writing process a lot more streamlined if I could add the citation and the page numbers at the same screen. 

Don’t quite understand what you mean by “a way to edit and manage the citations at the same time”. What are you trying to do and have you reviewed the Endnote training video on using Cite While You Write? The video provides information on how to search, insert, and modify citations.

working in the temporary (unformatted) state, (turn off instant formating) you can type your suffix or cited pages in to the temporary citation directly after inserting your citation.  Then you can hit “update Citations and Bibliography” whenever you like to see the CWYW versions.  

inserted citation {Barker, 2002}  and add in other parts.  For example 

{Barker, 2002 #5467 pp. 1-2}  will yield (Barker et al, 2002 pp. 1-2) (it ends up in the suffix field) 

{Barker, 2002 #5467@1-2} will yield (Barker et al, 2002 pp. 1-2) (1-2 ends up in the cited pages field)

{for discussion see\Barker, 2002 #5467@1-2} formats to (for discussion see Barker et al, 2002 pp.1-2)

{See \Barker, 2002 #5467 for further discussion}  formats to (See Barker, 2002 for further discussion)