How to? generate Author Last Name AND Full Name in Bibliography

 I’m working with superscripted numbers in the text, then the authors last name + short title in the footnote.
The first line in the bibliography should be the same like the footnote (last name + short title) followed by the full names and full title.  .

Thanks for the clarification. If you need more specific instructions could you provide further information? Could you: 1) identiy the EndNote output style you’re using (e.g., Chicago 16th A); 2) provide an actual example of how the in-text superscript number and corresponding footnote should appear; and 3) provide an actual example of how the bibliographic entry for the footnoted entry in item #2 should appear.  Providing examples will help clarify what modifications will be needed for the custom field in the reference type template(s), reference type data fields, and the output style’s citation and bibliographic settings.

For example:


*This is an example of the in-text superscripted footnote number:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit[1]. Donec imperdiet metus luctus ipsum laoreet vulputate. Quisque ullamcorper egestas nunc nec volutpat. Etiam ut lorem ante, varius faucibus dolor. Integer sed est velit, suscipit fermentum   


*This is an example of the corresponding corresponding at the bottom of the page:

1Magagna, Gasimov, Sutanto /Mobile search engine as a business model/


*This is an example of the corresponding bibliographic entry:

Magagna, Gasimov, Sutanto /Mobile search engine as a business model/

Fabio Magagna, Anar Gasimov, Juliana Sutanto: Mobile search engine as a business model. Honolulu, Hawaii 2010
