How to have a reference in the list but not actually in the text?

Hi all.

Does anybody know if it is possible to have a reference appear in the bibliography at the end but not actually refer to it anywhere in the text?


The two easiest ways to achieve this are to

  1. In any version of Endnote, you can insert the citation and then format font to hidden text.  I prefer this, because i can still see it if hidden text shows in the view, but is hidden in the printed version.

  2. EndnoteX5 has an option in the “edit citation” dialog to "show only in the bibliography.  The unformatted citaton looks like this {#999} and can still be seen in the unfomatted document.

Both of the above work on both (Author, Year) and numbered styles, but the ref in the bibliography still gets a number and the citation is still “located” where you inserted it, and can be deleted accidentally, if you delete text nearby. 

  1. for Endnote X4 and earlier, you can insert the citation if it is an (Author, Year) format, and exclude both the Author and the Year via the edit citation dialog.  (You can’t do that in EndNoteX5, as it uses the above instead). 

Either 2 or 3 This effectively makes it invisible, but you might delete it accidentally if you remove text nearby.  For all these reasons I use version 1! 

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Wow! That was quick. And a great simple answer. I’ll go with version 1 too. Thanks.