how to include phrases before references that don't get lost on update

Hi all.  For a publication, it is typical to include several words in front of a group of references, such as:

Recent references:  (1a)… (1b)…  etc.  

How can you fix it such that when you update your bibliography, the phrase “recent references” does not disspear?

Also, there are times when I’ve had to include a longer phrase as a note in the bibilography, such as:

 Double insertion of alkenes into iron complexes:  (c)… (d)… (e)…


 The cyclotrimerization of substituted acetylenes by nickel complexes is well known.  For example, see:  Author, Journal, etc…

Thanks in advance.


Can you give a more complete example.  I am not familiar with these kinds of instances occuring in a Bibliography?  You can add such text to a citation (see Smitt & Jonsey, 1992 for methodology) using the “edit citation,…more” options. 

Sorry for my earlier question.  I think I figured out the solution, which leads to my next question.

When I choose to input a temporary citation note, such as <Note:The reaction produces a product with similar spectra but could not be purified.>, it appears twice; once in the bibliography and once in the same line in the body of the text.  Is there a way I can change it so that only a number appears in the body of the text?

When your paper is formatted by EndNote using a numbered style, the note text is assigned a number and listed along with the references at the end of the paper. 

This from X3’s program help

Including notes in this way makes sense only when you are formatting your paper with a numbered style (not an author- date style).

To insert text as a numbered note in the reference list:

Position the cursor at the location in your text where you would like the number indicating the note.

  1. Word 2003 : From the Tools menu, go to the EndNote X3 submenu and select Insert Note to display the EndNote Insert Note dialog.

Word 2007 : On the EndNote tab, in the Citations group, click Insert Citation and then Insert Note.

  1. Type your note text into the text box. There is no limit on the amount of text you can enter.

  2. Click OK to insert a numbered note.

what if i wanted to use letters instead of numbers?  for example, can i have a series of lettered references “1 (a), (b), (c), etc” and then have a note in Ref #2?

In X3, they added a new feature where you can use Composite Citations.

Composite Citations (in Citation Template of style)

Within grouped references, you can differentiate individual citations with letters.

To define a composite citation:

  1. Select the box to “Use letters to separate grouped references.”

  2. Use the “Present letters in” list to select Lowercase or Uppercase letters.

  3. Select the appropriate letter format for in-text formatted citations. The examples illustrate how letters and numbers appear for consecutive citations and ranges.

  4. (1a, 1b), (1a, 1b, 2a-c)
    The number always appears with a stand-alone letter or with the first letter of a range. This is the default setting.

  5. (1a, b), (1a, b, 2a-c)
    Only the letter of the first citation of the composite is preceded with the number.

  6. (1a, b), (1a, 1b, 2a-c)
    The letter of the first citation of the composite is preceded with a number; additional letters include a number only if there could be ambiguity.

  7. (1a, 1b), (1a, 1b, 2a-2c)
    Letters are always preceded by a number.

  8. Use the “Precede by” and “Follow by” boxes to enter any character(s) that you want to surround the letter in the bibliography.