I fear that this must be a really obvious question. I’m trying to format my dissertation and I want to put some additional sources in my endnote bibliography that I did not actually use in the document but are nevertheless important. I want to be able to select individual notes from my endnote library and have them appear in the final formatted bibliography. Seems simple, but I can’t figure out how to do it.
. I’m trying to format my dissertation and I want to put some additional sources in my endnote bibliography that I did not actually use in the document but are nevertheless important.
You can insert records and then either make them hidden text (so they don’t appear in your document, but are listed in the references list, especially if you you are using a numbered style) or right click and exclude author and year (especially for (Author, YEAR) formats.
I want to be able to select individual notes from my endnote library and have them appear in the final formatted bibliography.
I provide the section about inserting notes from the Endnote Program Help files below. While you might think you could somehow export the “notes” field as a note, as they have the same name - that is not the purpose of the, perhaps badly named, field in the record itself. It is really just a place to keep notes to yourself and can’t be used to generate a note in the text, at least easily…
Including Notes in the List of References (Microsoft Word)
Some journal styles (such as Science) require that you include notes along with the list of works cited at the end of the document. In such a system, notes are numbered just like citations, and are included in the reference list in order of appearance, along with bibliographic references.
Including notes in this way makes sense only when you are formatting your paper with a numbered style (not an author- date style).
To insert text as a numbered note in the reference list:
Position the cursor at the location in your text where you would like the number indicating the note.
Word 2003: From the Tools menu, go to the EndNote X3 submenu and select Insert Note to display the EndNote Insert Note dialog. Word 2007: On the EndNote tab, in the Citations group, click Insert Citation and then Insert Note.
Type your note text into the text box. There is no limit on the amount of text you can enter.
Click OK to insert a numbered note.
When your paper is formatted by EndNote using a numbered style, the note text is assigned a number and listed along with the references at the end of the paper.
The way that notes are displayed when unformatted can be changed in the Temporary Citations preferences.
To manually type text as a numbered note in the reference list:
Type the text into the body of your document where you would want the number for the note to appear.
Be sure to surround the entire section of text with your Temporary Citation Delimiters (curly braces by default), and begin it with “NOTE:”. For example:
{NOTE: The authors would like to acknowledge the support of…}
Restrictions on the Use of the “NOTE” Feature:
This feature requires that a numbered style be used for formatting; otherwise, the note appears as text in the body of your paper.
Enter alphanumeric text only. Do not enter graphics, equations, or symbols.
Do not use the temporary citation delimiters as part of the text of the note. Other markers, such as the record number marker, the prefix marker, and the multiple citation separator may be used.
Notes cannot be combined with regular bibliographic citations within the same set of delimiters (such as parentheses or brackets). They must be cited separately— each in its own set of delimiters.
If you are using a footnote style, and you want to insert some references from your EndNote library which you did not cite directly in your footnotes, this procedure should work:
Insert a page break at the end of your document.
On this new page, insert all the relevant references, one after another. It is probably wiser to do this on a continuing basis as you are writing the document, but it can be done in one step once you have finished writing. Just insert the references straight into the page: don’t create any footnotes.
The references will not appear on the page, because they have not been inserted into footnotes, but they will be added to the bibliography at the end of the document.