How can I switch off Select Matching Reference? Everytime when I am working in Word, this keeps on popping up:
Kind regards,
How can I switch off Select Matching Reference? Everytime when I am working in Word, this keeps on popping up:
Kind regards,
Turn off CWYW? I am not sure when or why it is happening. If it is because you are using the endnote temporary citation delimiters for another purpose, you could change those thru the preferences or thru the format bibliograrphy dialog menus. Format Bibliography is also where you can turn off CWYW (third tab) if that works best for you.
In my experience from EN user support, the “Select Matching Reference” message is often caused by a citation (or several) in the text that no longer exists in the library (or have been deleted after insertion and later imported again with a new EN number). Users often claim that this has not been done, but detailed investigation usually reveals that the user has done changed in the library after inserting the citation(s). Some users have also started with using several libraries and then merged them into one after the work with the ms work has begun (causing the EN numbers to change). I’ve also seen this message when “Track changes” have been used on the ms.
Unfortunately, sometime it is not possible to get rid of the "“Select Matching Reference” even though you try to insert the matching references that EN suggest.
Try to unformat citations and see if some citations do not change. Format again, and see if any will not get formatted (those are your problem citations). If things will not be fixed, unformat the citations, copy all text in the ms, and insert the text in a new Word file. And then format the ms again. This has helped a few times.
Best wishes
Jan Ove
Message Edited by parabuthus on 05-26-2009 06:42 AM
@parabuthus wrote:
If things will not be fixed, unformat the citations, copy all text in the ms, and insert the text in a new Word file. And then format the ms again. This has helped a few times.
When you do the copy paste, avoid taking the last paragraph symbol and first delete any remnant bibliography that might be present.