How to transfer EndNote settings?

Hi, I’m going to upgrade my Windows from XP to Vista and I would like to have the same styles and preferences for EndNote after a new install, as I now have on XP. Is there a way to transfer or backup my current preferences of EndNote?

Are the settings saved somewhere (maybe in Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\EndNote)?

How can I transfer the current Endnote settings and styles?


Endnote’s X2.0.1 Help states:

Where Preference Settings are Saved

Most general preferences are saved in the Windows registry. This includes many EndNote Preferences, subject bibliography settings, and Cite While You Write settings. Some preferences are stored in user-specific folders; this allows multiple users to access a single library while saving each user’s preferred settings. The preferences folders listed below store files such as the connect.log file created during an online search, the RefTypeTable.xml file that contains reference type definitions, and a Search folder that contains saved search strategies:

Windows XP :  C:\Documents and Settings[UserName]\Application Data\EndNote

Windows Vista :  C:\Users[UserName]\App Data\Roaming\EndNote

In addition, registry data can be transferred by using Regedit.exe.

Also, some prefernece data such as custome reference type can be exported as a file from Endnote.

Migrating preferences across different OS’s sometimes give you hard time, so fasten your seat belt!

Best regards,

Thanks for the reply! I will try that, I just hope that file or folder paths are not stored in the registry, since Vista is using different locations for those User files. Maybe I’m going to set it up manually for Vista and backup the settings afterwards in case of a reinstall of Vista. I will also try to backup my settings on XP.