I am switching systems (from one Mac to another) and want to transfer all styles, preferences, current settings etc. to the new machine. Which files do I need to transfer and where are they located? I am using Endnote X6.0.2
When you install EndNote X6 on your new computer the default styles will be installed. Any custom styles would be located in an EndNote Styles folder under your Documents folder. The full path is HD/Users/[Your Home Folder]/Documents/EndNote/Styles (~/Documents/EndNote/Styles). This folder is created by EndNote when you have the program save a style.
You can copy the styles folder to a USB drive to take to your other computer. You could then double click on one of the styles to open the style in the Style Editor within the EndNote program. Click on File > Save As, and EndNote will create the EndNote Styles folder in Documents and save the style in that folder. You could then use the Finder to copy and paste the other styles into this folder.
If you have any custom reference types or custom fields, that information is stored in a file called RefTypesTable.xml located in ~/Library/Application Support/EndNote.
You can copy the file to a USB disk to take to your new computer and place the file in the same location, or you could leave it on the USB drive, open EndNote and click on EndNote X6 > Preferences > Reference Types. Click on Import and navigate to the USB disk to select RefTypesTable.xml. After you click on Open, click on Save and close the Preferences window, you will now have the the custom reference types.
Settings for things such as the library display window, display fonts, EndNote behavior on open, etc are held in a file called “com.ThomsonResearchSoft.EndNote.plist” which can be found in ~/Library/Preferences, but it might be easier to con fire these settings in EndNote X6 on your new computer.
Also note that if you are using OS 10.7 or 10.8 the user’s Library folder is hidden. To access this folder in a Finder window click on Go and hold down the option key on the keyboard. You will see Library appear on the drop-down menu. You can also click on Go > Go to Folder and type ~/Library in the Go to Folder window.