Import output style on new computer

I recently got a new lap and reinstalled my Endnote X5.  I was able to successfully import my library onto the new computer, but cannot figure out how to important a customly created output style.  Any suggestions?  I’d prefer not to have to try to recreate it the same way.



  1. On your old computer locate the modified output style file. Copy the file to a portable medium or email it to yourself so you can access it on your new computer.

  2. On your new computer copy the modified output style file to the desktop. Double-click on the style file to open it. It should open in the EndNote program.

  3. In EndNote, go to the “File Menu” and choose “Save as.”

  4. Remove the word “copy” from the end of your style’s name, and then click the Save button.

  5. Click on the “File Menu” and choose “Close Style.”

It is most likely in the my documents (or library) / endnote/styles folder.  That is were user modified or newly downloaded style are saved.