Imported Endnote styles do not look right

Hi all

I have a problem with imported endnote styles. When I want to change the style that I used to write a specific word text to the style format of a specific journal I often experience errors. I will first import the relevant style to endnote. Simple enough. However, when I implement the style in word, it often looks wrong. For example, I have written a text using Chicago 16th, which looks correct, but when I implement the imported style it looks wrong (it does not correspond to the official style guide of the publication) and it will have obvious errors.

For example, I imported a style where the first citation would be full but the second mention should be the authors surname and then the year in parentheses. As in: “Peterson (2008)”. Irrespective of having all the right information on the publication in my Endnote library, the style gave me an incomplete reference. As in: "Peterson ( ". That is, it was missing the year and the ending parentheses. I have had several of these kinds of problems. Sometimes it is the style that is just wrong. Other times it is errors like this. Do anyone have an idea why this is happening? From what I could gather on Google it does not seem to be a common problem.

All the best,


There are thousands of styles and sometimes there are mistakes that people correct, but they don’t find their way back to the online resource.  I am not exactly sure what your Chicago 16th error is or how you are citing it the second time 

Are you using Chicago 16th A or B?  – I am not familiar with the style manual, but the way they are set up is to have the second citation in the text essentially the same as the first.  A  uses footnotes - B doesn’t.  I don’t believe there is a way to automatically use Author (Year) in the second instance and not sure if you are then manually converting the citation to that Author (YEAR) citation (edit citation) and if there is a missing “pipe” in the citation template causing the trailing parenthesis without the year.  Are you including any suffix or pages in the citation that isn’t working?  What does the “unformatted” citation look like? (convert to unformated citations from the endnote ribbon).   


Thanks for the response.

Sorry for not being totally clear. I’m using footnotes (Chicago 16th A). In this instance I have converted the document that was written in the Chicago style into a style that is supposed to correspond to the Review of International Studies style. This style has a full reference in the first mention in a footnote, and the next should be “surname (year)”. It comes out “surname (”. As I mentioned, I’ve had problems like this before with other styles. 

Anyways. I’m doing nothing manually. I’ve simply converted the document from one style to the other. Anything changing in the format is based on the two styles.

The unformatted version looks like this: {Surname, year #3@page} - This is what comes out as “surname (” when formatted. I am noting a page number, but this doesn’t show up at all.



Can you attach your revised style?  

I think you need to add a pipe or two (|) and possibly a link ajacent character in the short form of ref type templates in footnotes that you are using.  I can see you must have edited the Chicago 16A significantly to reduce the information required according to the alternative target publication?  What should a cited page short citation look like?  

The entry should look something like this:  Author (Year| Cited Pages|)  Note the space in relation to the “pipes”.  or if you want text to precede the “Cited Pages” text  like below, where the * is a “link adjacent” character which is insertable from the “insert field” dropdown in upper left of the edit style interface. This ensures that the spaces are not there when the Cited Pages is not used, and that the trailing ) is remains even if there are no cited pages.  Not sure what caused the year not appear though, which is why seeing the actual revised style would be of use.  

Author (Year|*p^pp*Cited Pages|)