Hello –
In an effort to include PMIDs and PMCIDs in my EndNote X1 library, as well as clean up errors in the library, include abstracts, etc., I exported my library and, via Perl scripts and NCBI’s eUtilities, downloaded all the references (~1,500) in Medline format. I imported the Medline records into a new library, and then exported this new library to XML format, where, via Perl scripts, I italicized various things, like bacterial and gene names. So far, so good.
In the XML file, there are two fields, rec-number and foreign-keys, e.g…:
<key app=‘EN’ db-id=‘9dkgkfdkkfioflbbm5hhxd9m0krs0khtjtp0’>1019</key>
I was anticipating being able to set these fields such that, when the properly italicized data is imported into the final new database, the record numbers would match those of the original library, allowing the new-and-improved library to continue to be used on legacy papers, grant applications, etc.
Alas, the program seems to ignore these fields entirely on import; the records in the final database are numbered by their position alphabetically. I have tried manipulating the XML data such that the order of the records themselves in the XML file matches the record numbers of the original database, but this too was unsuccessful. If these fields are not useful on import, why are they there?
Is there a way to do what I am attempting to do – preset the record numbers in some form of a text file so that on import the record numbers remain faithful to the original library? I have an index relating the original record numbers to the PMID numbers included in the <accession-num> field.
Thank you for any suggestions…