insert citation gives blank space (X5, Mac Lion, Pages)

When I insert a citation, sometimes the cursor just jumps forward a space, with the citation appearing in the bibliography but not inline. The blank space selects like a citation, and if I go to “manage citations”, and change the style of the document, the citation appears. I can make the citation appear by changing all the citations (like from Chigago to MLA and back), but have to do this every time – it keeps happening.

I have both Endnote and Pages set to the same output style, and have quit and restarted both. Template for Chicago 16th A, which I’m trying to use (citations in footnotes) looks fine, but here it is attached anyway.

Endnote X5

Mac OSX 10.7.3 Lion

Pages '09 (4.1)

Macbook Pro 13"
Chicago 16th A.ens (79.9 KB)

If you are inserting the citation into the text of the document rather than in a footnote using the Chicago 16th A style, it would appear blank. The Chicago 16th A Style is designed to format correctly only when you have already generated a footnote in your word processor and inserted into that same footnote. See the following article for details:

Make sure you create the footnote in Pages first and then insert the citation from EndNote.

Jason Berman
Technical Sup Rep RS

Thomson Reuters

Phone: +1 800-336-4474

Hi Jason,

Thanks. I have been inserting them into footnotes. The problem feels like a setting somewhere that I’m missing, as it shows up unexpectedly - in this paper it worked fine for several days, then this started happening, and it’s happened before, including happening while using inline citations like MLA.

One other clue: while it was happening, the entire bibliography changed to italics.

I fixed the issue by creating a new Pages document and pasting the entire text from the misbehaving one into it. Presumably with the fresh document, whatever got off in the citations was returned to standard, and the bibliography also reverted to how it should look.

Still don’t know what happened, though.
