Integration of EndNote into Obsidian

I would like to propose that Clarivate explore the option of developing some kind of integration of EndNote into Obsidian (, which is a knowledge management platform similar to Roam Research, Notion, etc. The level of integration can vary. For example, one level could be the creation of a plugin that enables people to export references directly into Obsidian, where they could then embed them into notes. Such a plugin currently exists for Obsidian and Zotero. More in-depth integration could include things such as exporting highlights and notes from PDFs in EndNote out to Obsidian. Again, this is possible between Obsidian and Zotero.

The ultimate benefit of this integration would be that users could connect information stored in EndNote to their notes in Obsidian, which would facilitate knowledge creation. Since Obsidian is based on Markdown, the extension could lead to connection to other products as well.


Neither Clarivate nor Thompson Reuters have bothered to even create an Android app for EndNote in the past 10 years. I wouldn’t hold your breath on Obsidian support.

There is a very simple workaround for this.

  1. Directly drag the Endnote reference from Endnote 20 user interface to where you want it placed inside an Obsidian note. The reference will appear within curly brackets as {Author, year, #number}.

  2. Copy the text of the Obsidian note and paste it in an MS Word file. This also works if you have a single Obsidian note with many transclusions each containing many curly bracketed Endnoite references.

  3. In the MS Word file now you should see the reference in the curly bracket format.

  4. In MS Word, follow this: Endnote 20 drop-down menu > Update Citations and Bibliography

Now you should have the Endnote reference in the correct format :slight_smile: