Hi, I am using Endnote 7 on a Mac. I have set my output style within endnote and the word document as JAMA. I noticed some inconsistencies in the journal names. For example sometimes the journal of the american medical association is abbreviated “jama” while other times it is “JAMA.” The the AMA reference style it should be JAMA. I cannot figure out how to get Endnote to do the appropriate output style consistently. Is there some other place to adjust this? Thanks
You can edit the Journal Terms list to change “jama” to “JAMA”.) For instructions go to the Endnote toolbar and select Help > Search for Help on. In the Pop-up dialog box locate the keyword “Journals term list”, click to select the keyword, then in the right column click to select “Modifying Terms” which will take you to the instructions.
To facilitate consistent treatment of journal names and abbreviations and minimize editing it helps to import term lists. Refer to: 1) theknowledge base articleon generating full or abbreviated Journal names; 2) the Endnote training video on Journal Names, Cite While You Write in EndNote for Mac