JAMA.ens style output needs a big update! (Endnote X6 for Mac)

I am a medical writer and just started using Endnote X6. I usually use a different bibiolography management program but had to start using Endnote because of client compatibility.  

I have found the stock output style “jama.ens” to be riddled with errors. To get a properly formatted reference list, I had to change all sorts of settings, including but not limited to:

–Removing the month from references to journal articles

–Removing puncutation from the abbreviated journal names

–Removing puncutation from author initials

–Completely changing the way references to websites are formatted

It’s pretty disappointing that they charge so much money for this program and one of the most fundamental scientific citation styles isn’t kept up to date. Has anyone else noticed this problem or did I just miss something?

With over 5000 reference types they depend upon us to notify them when something is wrong.  

The easiest way to do that is here:
