List of Abbreviations Used

I have produced a bibliography which uses abbreviations for all the journal titles, but I am required to produce a separate list of all the abbreviations which I have used together with their full title. Is there a way of automating this in Endnote? I really do not fancy trawling through a few hundred items and doing it manually.


It is highly unusual to include journal names in an abbreviation list. Are you sure this is required?

 Which version of endnote are you using?  Did you import the refs from a database that happened to populate both the journal and the alternate journal fields?  If so, it will be easier, by creating a style that exports the two fields, sorting on one of them, separated by a tab, and then remove duplicates. 

Depending on how many journals are represented in your references, I would approach the task in different ways. 

Which version of endnote are you using?  Did you import the refs from a database that happened to populate both the journal and the alternate journal fields?  If so, it will be easier, by creating a style that exports the two fields, sorting on one of them, separated by a tab, and then remove duplicates. 

if Alt journal field is empty, I might create two styles that each create a bibliography of the journal names only, one full names, one abbreviations and sorted alphabetically by journal name.  Not sure if they will be sorted alphabetically different depending on the abbreviation or full title choice?  Couldn’t really tell in my quick test.  If they are you could turn one list into a  two column table, past the other list into the second column and then removed duplicate rows. 

If you use most of the journals you could export the journal terms list and deleted the ones you don’t use?  Copying the utilized refs to a new library, you could create a terms list of utilized journals and export that, merge it into a copy of all journals terms list, then you will know which ones you used (it will be a journal without a second column if Alt Journal field is empty). Alphabetized position might be slightly different especially if one is an abbreviation and the other is full title in the first column (as most of the available terms lists are constructed).

Those were just some ideas I had - stream of consciousness…

I am using X4.

Listing the abbreviations which have been used for journals, book series and primary sources is actually quite common in the humanities. I was hoping that there was an automated feature in Endnote which could retrieve the items which had been cited in a word document from the journal term list, but your ideas of experimenting with alternative bibliographies is a helpful one. I will experiment, still sounds like a lot of work though.