Mac X9 bibliography duplication Word 2106

 Hi all,

I did a search but could not find anything recent relating to duplicate bibliography entries.

I upgraded from x8 to x9 recently on my iMac High Sierra.

I have written another document recently where this issue never occurred it is only the document I started recently that I find the issue happening.


  1. Word choose References - Insert Footnote,

  2. EndNote x9 select a reference and Insert citation,

  3. Word refreshes including the footnote text from x9,

  4. Word/x9 duplicated the existing bibliography entries and includes the new one.

Has anyone else seen this and know what the solution to the bug is, please?

regards, Gordon

Out of sheer frustration and given I only had about 10 references so far I printed my document and created a back of the document. I removed all the references out of the document and made sure there was nothing under x9 manage references.

I created a new document and cut and pasted the text from my problem document into the new document and then added the references again from fresh. 

No longer an issue for me…

But in case it happens to someone else here is how I fixed the issue.

cheers, Gordon