I just purchased X2 for the Mac. I have Word 2008 (v 12.1.2) installed, with the most recent patch installed. When I try to use the Tools>Manuscript Templates … menu, it shows the Templates folder in Endnote being empty. When I check the folder using Finder, indeed it is empty. So I went to Endnote X2>Customizer … and checked the “Templates” box, hit Next, until Done was seen, checked Tools>Manuscript Templates … menu again, and nothing was there. Called Tech Support and was told that Word 2008 is has some incompatibilities with the Visual Basic code that is embedded within the individual templates. According to tech support, this change makes the Manuscript Templates unusable.
It seems that this is a software problem which should be easily remedied, or am I missing something? The Manuscript Templates feature is extremely useful and I would like to see it operational.
I’m new in the forum (although Endnote user, for long time), looking back previous threads, and found this post was unanswered.
Here’s why …I think.
Journals revise their “Instruction for Authors” occasionally, and authors need to check details before putting their manuscript into format. Unless Thomson can keep track every major journal’s instruction very very often, the template may not be up-to-date, and authors will probably need to go to publisher’s instruction anyway. So, I don’t think Endnote’s manuscript template feature is useful. Besides, there are only <100 journals in the template folder, and not working with Word 2008/Mac. I guess that’s due to the poor macro language (MS’s fault, maybe).
It seems working with my Word 2003/Windows anyway >Sorry, it doesn’t help you…>turbostar
But I don’t think it’s extremely usuful. It just types “Title” “Authors” “Introduction” etc for you. Not more than that.
I hope Thomson stop wasting time and money for this function, and focus on core values like bibliography management and formatting.
But if Endnote can write whole manuscript for me, that’ll be great, of course…(^_^)
Best regards,
Oh, I forgot to tell one thing that may be useful using Manuscript template, that is ability to insert formatted bibliography under the designated References/Citation section in the middle of text. That seems useful because Figure legends and others like Appendices come after References. However, when I unformatted and reformat, bibliography was attached at the end of text, not under the Reference section. Maybe that’s also due to MS’s macro language (VB).
Message Edited by myoshigi on 10-20-2008 12:17 AM