Missing periods in APA style, version X2



I have recently upgraded to EndNote X2.0.1, and I’ve noticed that the APA 5th output style has several errors. For example, the template for most reference types lacks a period after the author’s name. This doesn’t matter for personal names, but the period is necessary for corporate authors. Also, the period following the title is missing for web pages.

The output style that came with version X1 did not have these problems, as far as I recall. Is there a reason why the output style would’ve been made less accurate for the new version? Have I missed something?



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Has this issue been resolved in any release of styles subsequent to the official 2.0.1 release? I just recommended EndNote to a client with the assurance that it would do APA style correctly, and I would be most chagrined if these problems were still there.

Thank you Megan, we have updated the style, the corrected version is attached here.


APA 5th.ens (54.4 KB)