For the journal I am submitting an article to, I am trying to use “TF-G Chicago endnotes numbered”, but I need the citations in my bibliography to all be consecutively numbered throughout the manuscript, using Arabic numerals, and treated as endnotes. When I use this output style (or the MHRA style), how do you get every citation to appear with consecutive numbering in the proper format? Or must I just use MS Word’s endnote feature instead?
What Journal and where are the actual instructions?
Have you looked at the Endnote Help (F1 in the Windows X7 program), Citing References in Footnotes and Endnotes.
Also, you can look at the YouTube training video here. – You would need to convert Word to treat the footnotes as endnotes, so they appear at the end of the document rather than at the foot of the page.
The journal is Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS) and their exact instructions are as follows:
References and documentation: Papers published in LRTS follow The Chicago Manual of Style style called “Notes and Bibliography,” also sometimes known as the humanities style (see chapter 14). Bibliographic reference should be consecutively numbered throughout the manuscript, using Arabic numerals, and treated as endnotes. Authors should use the automatic endnoting feature in word processing programs. Do not provide a separate bibliography. Full publication details are given in the endnote for the first mention of any work cited.
Also, I am using EndNote X6 on a Mac.
I will try something similar to what the video suggests, only using end notes instead of footnotes.
I wish there was an output style that did this automatically.
Endnotes can’t be handled directly by a program other than by inserting them first by the word processor software, but if you have already inserted Endnote fields, I think there is a macro (but I am not an expert) You can refer tothis thread (very long!) where Endnote staff say they do have some tools that might help.
Even if you use Word’s inbuild referencing, you would have to insert the endnotes first…