I have been working with a demo of EN X3 on my Mac (System 10.5). I have a massive set of libraries from a colleage who has been adding references for years, so the libraries needed to be converted to open in X3, but it worked fine and I can read and work with those libraries. But I waited until my demo was ready to expire before trying to create my own library from scratch. I did this last night at home on my laptop (Mac, with same operating system). I set up the library to contain the two types of file together (“package” option). I have been working on my manuscript for several months before getting the EN demo, so have just been manually adding to my Lit Cited section as I find a new reference. I have about 2400 references now, and will probably have 5000 by the time I finish, so I decided I need a better way to handle this. I manually created about the first 80 references for the library last night, retyping the easy stuff (author, year, city, pages) and selecting and pasting the titles, journals, etc. I saved and closed each reference and it was nicely added to the library. I was able to double-click on a reference and fix an occasional error.
After I finished the first 80 I copied the library to a flash drive and this morning I moved it from the flash drive to my manuscript documents file on the office computer. But when I try to open it I get an error window that says it is unable to open the library (but it doesn’t say why). I tried opening it by double-clicking the icon, then tried going to EN and selecting it from the browsing windows, but I still get the same error. The demo has expired, but the message that came with it said I could still view libraries, just not modify them. My intent was to go to our campus computer store and buy a copy of EN X3 Monday morning. But I am not sure I want to do that if I cannot go back and forth between computers. I save the copy of my ms at the end of each day on a flash drive and take it home. I usually get a couple of hours in the evening to add to it on the laptop and save the latest version on the flash drive and bring it to the office. Now I am starting to add refs to the EN library and want to do it the same way. It will take me a week or more to complete this, but if EN will not let me save and run on the other computer each time it may not be the program I need.
Is there some way to get the new library to open on the office computer? Have I done something wrong? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Incidentally, I will be using EN without the CWYT feature as I do not use Word. I much prefer the Nisus wp for working with my ms. I save in .rtf format so I can share with those using Word and PC and that works fine. I did not have time yet to try the web searching features of EN, but if I do get this problem fixed and buy a copy I will do that next after finishing transfer of all my refs.
I read back in the posts to the beginning of the year to see if anyone else had posted this problem, but found nothing like it.
Thanks for any help you may be able to provide. Jack