Is there any template for numbered citation with in-text square bracket using APA style available?
That is, the in-text citation is like this [1].
[1] García, J.I., Sepúlveda, S. and Noriega-Hoces, L. (2010) Beneficial Effect of Reduced Oxygen Concentration with Transfer of Blastocysts in IVF Patients Older than 40 Years Old. Health, 2, 1010-1017. is a handy document to use to learn how to edit your styles either on Windows or Mac Platforms.
I made the changes you specified (non-superscript citation, (this is citation template, on a PC it is obvious, on a Mac, you need to open the editing tools).
moved year to end in journal template (but that would need ot be done probably for each reference type/template you use) bibliography>templates>ref type you wish to modify,
and changed the authorship criteria to 7 or more, show first 3, et al. (This is under the Bibliography> Author lists)
works ok, but with it also embed references in alphabetical order. I want e.g:
This is sample text [1].References should be with numbered as squared brackets but not in alphabetical order [2].
[1]. Moore, M., et al. A design of a molecular communication system for nanomachines using molecular motors. in Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, 2006. PerCom Workshops 2006. Fourth Annual IEEE International Conference on. 2006. IEEE.
[2]. Akyildiz, I.F., F. Brunetti, and C. Blázquez, Nanonetworks: A new communication paradigm. Computer Networks, 2008. 52(12): p. 2260-2279.
Re: Numbered APA style using square bracket in-text citation [ New ]
Hello, I have a similar question, but need references in ACS style, not APA. trying to embed numbered citations e.g. [1] into Word document – but i need ACS style. I’m using endnote 9. I’m new to the community
is there a way to choose in the word endnote interface that I want numbered vs author-year?
I want e.g:
This is sample text [1].References should be with numbered as squared brackets but not in alphabetical order [2].
[1] White, A. B.; Mahoney, K. M.; Cifelli, R.; King, C. W., Wind Profilers to Aid with Monitoring and Forecasting of High-Impact Weather in the Southeastern and Western United States. B Am Meteorol Soc 2015, 96 (12), 2039-2043.
[2] Neiman, P. J.; Schick, L. J.; Ralph, F. M.; Hughes, M.; Wick, G. A., Flooding in Western Washington: The Connection to Atmospheric Rivers. J Hydrometeorol2011,12 (6), 1337-1358.